How it's like to be...
a ballerina
a businessman
a costume designer
a designer
a football (soccer) player
a full time illustrator
an international artist
a lecturer
a make up artist
a mom
a musician
an office lady
a PhD student
a photographer
a researcher
a rich man
a shop keeper
a stage designer
a superstar
a teacher
a traveler
a wife
a witch
a writer
Tell me if you know how it feels ^^ I really want to know X3
jadi witch itu.. yah, enak ga enak.. enak ngutuk2nya, ga enak kena efek baliknya..
gue bilang enak, bukan baek lho.. =P
gw pengen jawab beberapa, tapi rasanya bakal panjang... ntar deh kalo gw niat ngetik
gw taru komentar gw di blog gw
kaget ngeliat kata2 "comment deleted" XP ok, menuju TKP
thx guys :D ditunggu yang laen XP
hmmm... apa yah..? yang aku tau cuman jadi guru..
jadi guru itu.. seneng tiap ngeliat anak-anak yang diajarin dateng n mau ngedengerin apa yang kita ajarin.. seneng rasanya bisa ngebagi ilmu ama orang lain.. tapi kadang takut apa penjelasan kita bisa dimengerti ato nggak.. dan kadang panik sendiri takut nggak disukain ama murid-murid.. ;)
Being a writer to me means...
pouring your heart and soul into the stories you've written. Be it if people find it good or not, you'd have to be proud of it, like a mother proud of her own child.
It's always fun to have one story finished, and people reading it and commenting on it. It's not fun when you realize, you're not even making money of it. :p
Being a shopkeeper to me...
was fun. You get to interact with people, with regular and occasional costumers. But it get hectic when people you work with tend to abandon their job.
Being a traveler means seeing the world with your own eyes, catching glimpses of things that others might not see. Seeing things differently than those who have seen it before.
Tapi bikin bokek. T_T
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